Community Needs Assessment
Student, NUTR 640 Community Nutrition
Fall 2020
I utilized multiple databases including the US Census Bureau and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to identify social, economic, and environmental factors that influence dietary behaviors and contribute to nutritional risks in communities. Using this data, I used R and R studio to create compelling data visualizations. This showcases my ability to analyze quantitative using computer-based programming and software.
Using the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, I found an intervention to address the findings found in the needs assessment data and presented my findings through a PowerPoint presentation and a one-pager using Canva that could provide valuable data to researchers or community members. This showcases my ability to suggest culturally appropriate interventions that address the role of the environment, food, and, lifestyle choices to enhance wellness in diverse individuals and populations.

Health Advocacy PSA
Student, HBHE 540 Sticky Health Communication
Winter 2022
Using the SUCCES principles from Chip and Dan Heath's book, Made to Stick, I designed a public service announcement to motivate people to use condoms. Of these 6 Principles, I focused on Simple and Unexpected with a little bit of Concreteness and Emotion to create a set of 3 posters on a common core message that make the same point in different ways. These posters serve as high-quality mockups that would be given to a graphic designer for transformation into the final product.
The target audience for this PSA is intended to be people who are already sexually active and are not using any birth control.
The goal of this message is not about behavior, it's about the belief that a condom is necessary to prevent the things described. Sometimes these consequences of not using a condom become criminalized and stigmatized so I wanted to use humor to motivate people without feeding into stigma or fear.

Health Narrative
Student, HBHE 540 Sticky Health Communication
Winter 2022
Using the SUCCES principles from Chip and Dan Heath's book, Made to Stick, I wrote a short story, first-person narrative, that depicts an individual protagonist facing a health problem (depression) that could be used as part of health communication. One word to describe this story is Vulnerability.
This story reflects real-life experiences of a person suffering from depression and how self-isolating it can feel in order to bring to light the perspective of someone in this situation.

Acorn Farmers's Market Social Media Education Campaign
Intern, the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation
Summer 2021
Acorn Market is a non-profit indoor farmers’ market that exists to subsidize local sustainable farming and encourage healthier eating at home in the community. I partnered with Acorn during my internship to create a total of 6 interactive, visually appealing Instagram posts using Canva.
Through this partnership I applied public health theoretical frameworks and nutrition research evidence to inform the community members on topics they identified as important areas for behavior change. These included:
Sugar additives
Different fat types and sources
The gut microbiome
Benefits of local shopping
Healthier food alternatives

Promoting Active Communities and Healthy Communities Checklist Survey Data Collection
Intern, the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation
Summer 2021
By gathering data through interviewing community partners in 4 of the 5 towns, I was able to help these communities better understand barriers to active living and solutions to overcome those barriers. By starting with the Core Community Readiness module and completing other modules that make sense for their area, I helped community members gain insight from a customized feedback report. This report includes research-based best practices to guide action planning with the goal of making it easier for people to be physically active in their daily lives.
Through this project, I assessed population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ health and disseminated this information via oral presentation.

Connected Magazine Articles
Intern, the 5 Health Towns Foundation
Summer 2021
I selected communication strategies to disseminate complex information on topics including:
Runners high
The 4th Trimester
The Placebo Effect
The Effect of Sugar on the Brain
To ensure these articles were understandable to the lay public, I utilized Microsoft Word's readability and level statistics. Additionally, I included available programs and resources in the Southeast MI area related to these topics to share with the community. I located these resources by working with partner organizations such as the community wellness center, hospital, and the YMCA. This showcases my ability to communicate audience-appropriate public health content in writing.